Ukazatele ekonomické struktury a mobility obyvatelstva ve sčítáních lidu = Indicators of economic structure and mobility in the population censuses

To chci

This article deals with population censuses as a source of information on development of population from the 19th until the 21st century. It discusses the methodology and classification of census based labour and mobility statistics, and focuses on reflection of their ability to maintain the original methodology, or vice versa to flexibly capture changes of dynamically celý popis

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Hlavní autor
Peter Svoboda
Další autoři
Ivana Přidalová
Martin Ouředníček, a1971-
Typ dokumentu
Fyzický popis
Publikováno v
Historická geografie = Historical geography. -- ISSN 0323-0988. -- Roč. 40, č. 2 (2014), s. 285-306


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