Dítě a církev ve středověku

To chci

The lives of both adults and children in the medieval Europe of western Christianity were shaped by societal and ecclesiastic norms. These norms were based, in particular, on the canon law and the liturgy. The life of a child is depicted in these sources in a static manner as depending on the decisions of the adults - parents and curators. However, other preserved celý popis

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Podrobná bibliografie

Hlavní autor
Eva Doležalová
Typ dokumentu
Publikováno v
Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica. -- ISSN 0862-979X. -- Roč. 19, č.1 (2016), s. 75-86
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Web Plný text Výběr článků v českých novinách, časopisech a sbornících - ANL