Optimisation of a clam bunk skidder from the emission production point of view

To chci

This article presents a proposal of a simple mathematical model for minimisation of the production of extraneous substances as a function of the rate of operation performance of a production system. The model is then verified by operation tests of the Terri 2040 clam bunk skidder and by determining the system’s optimal rate of performance from the point of celý popis

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Podrobná bibliografie

Hlavní autor
Adolf Janeček, 1943-
Další autoři
Radomír Adamovský, 1948-
Typ dokumentu
Fyzický popis
3 il.
Publikováno v
Research in Agricultural Engineering. -- ISSN 1212-9151. -- Roč. 58, č. 4 (2012), s. 136-141
Popis jednotky
2 grafy, 1 tabulka
Literatura na s. 141,


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