Výsledky vyhledávání - "salafismus"

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    Mezi tradičním islámem a salafismem : současné podoby islámu na severním Kavkaze

    The present study focuses on current discussions on Islam in the North Caucasus, and particularly on the relationship between so-called traditional forms of Islam and its more puritanical forms, …

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    Violence as a tool : the changing nature of religious violence in North-western Africa in the 20th century

    This article studies violence in the region of North-Western Africa in the 20th century, which witnessed a radical shift in the perpetrators of violence. While at the beginning of the century it was …

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    Salafismus a různé výklady Ibn Tajmíji = Salafism and different interpretations of Ibn Taymiyyah

    This article deals with different interpretations of Salafism. Salafism is most commonly identified with two periods: the classical medieval Salafism associated with the 14th-century scholar Ibn …

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