Výsledky vyhledávání - "psychometrie"

1 - 20 z 94
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    Modern psychometrics : the science of psychological assessment

    Today psychometrics plays an increasingly important role in all our lives as testing and assessment occurs from preschool until retirement. This book introduces the reader to the subject in all its …

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    Psychometrics : an introduction

    “The main advantage of the text is a more contemporary and conceptual presentation of the material. I have been looking for a book with this level and focus for some …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Základy psychometrie

    Tato příručka navazuje na základy statistiky a rozšiřuje statistické poznatky sloužící k tvorbě psychologických testů a k interpretaci jejich výsledků. psychometrie je pomocná …

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    Psychometrics : an introduction

    From a perspective that focuses on the meaning, purpose, and implications of key psychometric concepts, principles, and procedures, Psychometrics: An Introduction, Second Edition (by R. Michael Furr …

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    Item response theory for psychologists

    This book develops an intuitive understanding of IRT principles through the use of graphical displays and analogies to familiar psychological principles. It surveys contemporary IRT models, estimation …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    The handbook of psychological testing

    Since it was first published in 1993, the Handbook of Psychological Testing has become the standard text for organisational and educational psychologists. It offers the only comprehensive, modern and …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Explanatory item response models : a generalized linear and nonlinear approach : with 50 figures


    This book offers a way of thinking about psychometric models of the item-response type (IRT) as logistic mixed models. There are three clear advantages to this approach. First, one can see how the …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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