Výsledky vyhledávání - "prezentace informací"

1 - 20 z 564
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    Presentation skills 201 : how to take it to the next level as a confident, engaging presenter

    Presentation Skills 201 is for the good presenter who is determined to get even better. Containing over 70 pieces of detailed advice for higher performance, Presentation Skills 201 can be read from …

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    Campus Deutsch : B2/C1. Präsentieren und diskutieren

    Naučte se správně a přesvědčivě přednášet svou prezentaci s vědeckým obsahem a zároveň i vhodně argumentovat při diskusi.

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    Presentations in English : find your voice as a presenter

    Presentations in English is recommended as a valuable resource for any teachers of presentation skills. Williams is obviously an accomplished trainer with expertise to offer, especially in assisting …

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    The craft of scientific writing

    Designed to help both professional and student scientists and engineers write clearly and effectively, this text approaches the subject in a fresh way. Using scores of examples from a wide variety of …

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    From research to manuscript : a guide to scientific writing

    Written in simple, straightforward language, From Research to Manuscript, explains how to understand and summarize a research project. It is a writing guide that goes beyond grammar and style by …

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    Presentation zen design : a simple visual approach to presenting in today's world

    Creating and delivering a successful presentation today often means breaking through the noise and allowing your audience to focus on you and your message. You can have a great impact using simple …

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    Data story : explain data and inspire action through story

    What if you sliced data and found a huge problem or opportunity? Data did its job, but now it needs a storyteller. The way insights are communicated could reverse or increase the trajectory of data. …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Planning, proposing, and presenting science effectively : a guide for graduate students and researchers in the behavioral sciences and biology

    This concise guide to planning, writing, and presenting research in biology and behavioral ecology is intended for students at all levels. The guidelines apply equally to independent projects for …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Presentation skills : captivate and educate your audience

    Anyone can learn how to give an effective, engaging presentation. Here's the secret; it doesn't come naturally to anyone. Overcoming anxiety, developing confidence, speaking clearly and …

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    When the scientist presents : an audio and video guide to science talks

    This book looks at the presenting scientist from a novel angle: the presenter-host. When scientists give a talk, the audience ('guests') expects the title of the talk to determine …

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    Presenting in English : how to give successful presentations

    Učebnice angličtiny, kde autor klade především důraz na slovní zásobu, stylistiku a konverzaci nutné pro obchodní jednání.


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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