Výsledky vyhledávání - "palestinská otázka"

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    --a Bůh osiřel

    Hrdina pochází z bohaté pražské židovské rodiny a jako dospívající chlapec zažil Osvětim. Po válce se dostává do Izraele, stává se členem Mosadu a spolu s ním, jeho rodinou a …

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    Peace in the Middle East : P2P and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


    The signing of the Oslo Peace Accords gave scope to a multitude of people-to-people (P2P) programmes. These sought to encourage Israelis and Palestinians to a better understanding of one another and …

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    Culture and resistance : conversations with Edward W. Said

    In his latest book of interviews, Edward W. Said discusses the centrality of popular resistance to his understanding of culture, history, and social change. He reveals his latest thoughts on the war …


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