Výsledky vyhledávání - "multikulturní společnost"

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    Bridge the culture gaps : a toolkit for effective collaboration in the diverse, global workplace

    "The essential guide for working in diverse teams and across cultures today. This practical self-help guide will optimize the performance of individuals and teams working in an intercultural …

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    Mládež a hodnoty ... : výchova k hodnotám v kontextu pluralitní a multikulturní společnosti : sborník z mezinárodní konference konané ve dnech ... v Olomouci


    Sborník z konference Mládež a hodnoty 2007: Výchova k hodnotám v kontextu pluralitní a multikulturní společnosti, kterou pořádala Katedra křesťanské výchovy Cyrilometodějské …

    Noviny a časopisy
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    Believe it !

    This publication forms the first part of a "Discourse on beliefs and apprehensions," and treats some issues of particular concern in the West Today and mostly those relevant to the formation …

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    Multiculturalism and the welfare state : recognition and redistribution in contemporary democracies


    Does the increasing politicization of ethnic and racial diversity of Western societies threaten to undermine the welfare state? This volume is the first systematic attempt to explore this linkage …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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