Uznání a moc v kritické teorii: ke kolektivnímu portrétování oligarchie = Recognition and power in critical theory: towards the collective portraiture of oligarchy

To chci

This article attempts to critically evaluate the theory of recognition developed by Axel Honneth with an emphasis on analyzing Honneth‘s implicit notion of power. This critique is based on a combination of empirical insights derived from the sociological analysis of the power elite by C. Wright Mills and the three-dimensional notion of power by Steven Lukes. celý popis

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Hlavní autor
Ondřej Lánský, 1981-
Typ dokumentu
Publikováno v
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philosophica et historica. -- ISSN 0567-8293. -- Č. 1 (2020), s.
Popis jednotky
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